Teaser Alert!

Are you ready for more of Angus?

When Poppy turned around in the study and spotted him, she squealed in alarm and put her hand over her heart. “Angus! What are you doing here like a golem in the dark? You scared me half to death!”

He shot her a disapproving glare. “The real question, lass, is what are ye doin’ here? Ye’re supposed to be in bed at this time of the night. Ye know what the doc said.” He got up from the chair and advanced on her.

“M-Me?” she stuttered, glancing around as if she were desperate for an excuse to appear on the wall. “I… uh…forgot my reading glasses.”

“Ye’re reading at 2:00 in the morning?” he growled. “Ye took a pain tab, ye should be out like a light right now.” Then it hit him and his eyes narrowed. “Ye’ve no been takin’ them, have ye?”

“I-I didn’t take one last night,” she confessed. “I knew I had some extra work to get out of the way and…”

“It’s not just last night that ye didn’t take one, is it?” he interrupted her, trying to tamp down his righteous irritation. “Don’t lie to me, lass.”

Finally, she lifted her chin defiantly. “What of it? I don’t have to answer to you.”

“If that’s the way ye feel, then why be dishonest?” he bit out. He took another step towards her and she took the only backward step she could, which put her back against the door.

“Maybe because men always seem to think they know what I need to do?” she jeered. “I have news for you, I’m a big girl. I certainly don’t need anyone to tell me when to go to bed. I can figure that out on my own.”

Right now, ye’re a sneaky wee lass who’s earned that hidin’ I warned ye about. Dishonesty and deceit are somethin’ I’ll no put up with.” He took two steps forward and bent to scoop her over his shoulder.

“Oomph,” she whined. “Put me down, Angus, this is uncomfortable.”

He went to the sofa with her and stood her on her feet, then held her arms as he sat down and pulled her right across his lap.

“Ye’re about to get a lot more uncomfortable.”

A Flower for Angus will be released in just 13 days! https://books2read.com/u/4jYMVD

You can read the first in the Heaven’s Gate series, Christmas Housekeeper Wanted, at this address: https://books2read.com/u/bW81LW

I still have a few ARC copies if anyone would like to claim them for A Flower for Angus.

Still plenty of time to read ahead and be ready to post a review at a retailer of your choice. It really helps the authors. Thanks!

Available for preorder now and released March 22nd, 2024!

Have a great weekend! 🙂


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